Monday, 27 April 2015

A funny bizarre story.

Yesterday, I went up to a girl that I saw somewhere, and I asked her "Do you know that I won a Nobel prize in cockonomics". She said "really"? you won a Nobel prize? for what work did you win the prize? 

I told her, a few years ago when I was a university student, I was walking downtown when a tourist asked me "Where can I find sex?" I had no idea so I decided to make it a topic of research.

After doing research for three years, positing many different theories and carrying out a number of experiments, I finally discovered the answer.

Sex was found at the intersection ..... of dick and pussy.

According to the Nobel prize committee, this is considered one of the most foundational pieces of research in the field.

According to the Nobel committee, I practically invented the subject.

When I was finished talking, the girl asked me how I came up with the idea. 

I said it's not like a lot of people think, it's not like a cartoon where a character will have a great idea and a light bulb will pop up over his head. I told her that it was the product of many years of hard work, of solitude, of toiling in laboratories past midnight, all for the sake of advancing knowledge. I told the girl, if there's one misconception that I would like have cleared up, that would probably be it.

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