Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What a typical job interview for women in Saudi Arabia sounds like...

In Saudi Arabia, the society is segregated so that boys and girls never meet each other.

Over there, they call any guy who's ever had a girlfriend in his life a womanizer.

Over there, when a guy kisses a girl, they call it rough sex.

There's a public service announcement currently running on TV there telling people not to kiss each other directly on the lips and that if they absolutely must, that the woman should be wearing a burqa from head to toe at all times when kissing. 

The commercial then states that if a couple engages in unprotected kissing, both the guy and the girl might catch the cold, or even worse, they might catch the flu.

Most people in that country, though, aren't buying any of it.

That's why all the Saudi men are trying to leave that place.

Saudi women, unfortunately, rarely get that chance.

They usually have to remain in Saudi Arabia, where some of them even apply at the few places where they are allowed to work.

In every job interview, the last question that they are asked is always the same "When you go to a washroom in a restaurant, the sign on the door to the washroom does it look more like a man or a woman?

Then, after a few seconds of silence, the interviewer concludes the interview by saying "thank you very much for coming, you were by far the most talented candidate for the job, and I was certain that you had the job there for a second, but unfortunately.... it seems that you might have worn a dress at some point in the past, and to never have worn a dress remains the primary requirement for the job.

Personally, I would love to hire you, but if things don't go well for some reason, then everyone will be asking "who was it that hired someone that might wear lipstick and makeup from time to time when they could have gone with the safe choice instead?""

I'll tell you what I'll do though, I'll keep your file here and should the situation ever change in the future, you are more than welcome to apply here again and to start work here immediately afterwards. You're exactly what we're looking for at this company right now. I think that you would be a great fit".

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